
Jan 23, 2005 15:04

goin' to the chapel and we're gooonnna get maaaarried!!!!!!!!!

Craig asked me to marry him last night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

it was funny cuz we were sitting at the table, and he said he had something to tell me, but he was nervous.
so i was like well tell me!!
and he was like noo i can't...
so of course i had to know then, so i started chasing him around my house whining for him to tell me and i chased him into the bathroom and shut the door so he couldnt get out...tehehe

then he started telling me how much i mean to him and how much he loves me n how happy i make him n all that good stuff
but i didnt believe that that is what he had to tell me, so i was like NOOO TELL ME WHAT YOU WERE GONNA TELL ME!!!!!!!

and he went into his pocket and pulled out the ring and asked me if i would marry him...
and of course i said yes!!!!

i am sooo excited!!! and soooo happy and i can't wait to spend the rest of our lives together!!!!
AHHHHH my cheeks hurt so bad from smiling so much...tehehe

we dont know the exact date of the wedding yet, because he has to get stationed with a unit first, and then he can take leave.

i'm flippin out...i'm sooo happy it's unreal!!!

my mum's really happy too, she loves craig, almost as much as I do...=D

but we came to his dad's house to see his aunt dinah and we hadnt told his Dad or Laura yet
and i was standing in their kitchen and i had my left hand on the counter..and not really thinking anything about it
then i looked at Laura, and she was looking at my ring finger, and she came up to me and was like ooh that's pretty, when did you get it?? and i got a huge smile on my face and i was like last night...and she said so are you engaged?? and i was like yeah =D and Aunt Dinah came up and saw it n stuff then we all hugged n got congratulations and stuff..then his Dad was like what's goin on over there? they're lookin at her hand telling her congratulations, and Craig was like umm i got good news and I got bad news...and he was like the bad news is you're not going to get much done on the basement this winter...but the good news is you've got a wedding to pay then we got the congrats from his dad and uncle dave...i was really happy....i was sooo nervous to tell his parents though. they're happy though so everything is all good =D

aahh i'm soooo happy...tehehe

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