Jan 22, 2007 22:36
Today I headed to uni to enrol in my degree and organise my timetable. Apparently, for my degree, organising the timetable is a pain so I was passed on from two advisers to a girl named Sarah who had just helped a girl organise her timetable for the same degree as mine. I'm pretty happy with the outcome since I don't start uni too early and I don't finish too late either and it doesn't clash with my work time. I also have Tuesdays off so that's always something to look forward to. Now all Sung has to do is schedule his classes during my classes so we can see each other in between.
Walking around Macquarie University today, I was quite excited. The environment looked really great and I have a feeling that I am really going to enjoy my time there. It might not be as prestigious as UNSW or USYD but I think the main thing is feeling as if you belong and well, I feel as if I belong to Macq already! The air is so great (apparently it's because the uni is surrounded by eucalyptus trees) and refreshing.
My dad took my Corolla to the smash repairs today to get the bumper replaced from the accident that happened on the formal night. About time it gets fixed! It wasn't even our fault. Anyway, he couldn't be bothered picking up the replacement car so now my sister and I are stuck with one car. Now, I'll have to wake up earlier to get my self ready for the gym so I can come home on time for my sister to head to the gym. Her workout takes a boring three hours whilst mine only takes two and I always get annoyed waiting for her to finish and she always gets annoyed hearing me ask ,"Are you finished yet?", and saying, "Hurry up!".
Today's good news includes me getting a scholarship for however many years my degree takes (five years). My goal is to in five/ten years have enough money saved up for the deposit for a home and I guess this scholarship is going to really help me in that department since I'm saving HALF of whatever I earn/receive. My boss tells me that I should not be afraid of loans because it helps you control your spending. So my dreams of owning an SUV is being put back another 15 years of so (unless Sung can become my full-time sugar daddy).
Last night I watched the Victoria Secret's fashion show. I don't think the show was as good as last years. I think it's ridiculous to label ultra skinny girls as supermodels. Some were purely HOT like the main girls but some of the less known girls were too skinny. There was one girl who was so skinny that her entire pelvis was sticking out as if she had a huge apple stuck near her bottom. It was quite disgusting and is such a bad influence on young females. I think it's quite admirable that some of the fashion shows are banning models with a BMI outside of the normal range (19-25). However, it's a shame that the New York fashion show, which is one of the most recognised, has no imposed the ban. At least Milan fashion show and some other less known ones are imposing it.