Oct 24, 2006 18:50
6.30 pm on a Tuesday evening back on my office desk with a little breather from all the work that swamped me for the past God knows how many days… or even weeks…. Its not over as yet… but who cares…. I need a break…
Been down South very often of late… major things happening there… (well at least for me) … the freaking coal mine down at Wollongong is going to be audited.. and yours truly is the only one in the entire world who (not by choice) have experience “round the clock” observation at various sensitive receiver locations… to make things presented in layman’s terms… I am the person who creeps up to people’s backyard in the middle of the night say 12 mid night till 6 am in the morning and do measurements as well as collecting data… and then I developed a computer noise model to do predictions and verify with the data I have religiously been collecting since September 2005…. And now… the mine owner who happens to be BHP Biliton is to be AUDITED!!! … Yes… my work is to be scrutinized by a panel of independent juries…. Yes… my neck is on the chopping board… all the Chinese Kung Fu moves imparted to me by whoever needs to be used soon to defend myself… as It is… my back/arse is already full of arrows from my Gross superior….
Apologies once again to the Sydney boys… and Singa gals… not much update in any form or means since 2 to 3 weeks ago… nope I was not murdered nor I was doing a gin… I simply don’t know where to slot my time!! My company moved office while I was in Wollongong… was a big rush when I reached Sydney only to be rushed to move my stuffs to new office….ever since that… nothing has stopped… things got snowed balled till its having a avalanche now!! Help!
Guess its Spring time now… proclaims of love should be promoted…. Well… needless to say there is a pro active party already… and yes.. we hear your love… we feel your love… hold on.. perhaps I should use I … for I am the one who hear and feel…. Months turn years… and yet only distance separates you two… but then again it was also distance which separated you two… so what has changed? Presence of the other party….? Or simply “cheesiness” … absence makes the hearts fondle… or is it grows fonder?? Hmm… be it the earlier or latter… it holds true from the look of things….
Actually quite a fair bit of things happened (not to me on personal levels but my friends back in singapore) of late… received the following news….
Hilarious news to start with… got a poly friend (de ja vu ?!) whom just got PR over here… no degree but based on working skills… planning to come over here to look for jobs with her husband… called me up and asked if she could bring a sack of rice, box of mee goring, pork floss and soya sauce ! I was like… yeah try doing that…if you are desperate… anyway… giving themselves only 3 weeks to land a job.. I wish them all the best…. Will be touching down Sydney on the 28 Oct… I seriously wish them luck…..
Bad news to end this… friend of mine whom his wife/girlfriend/ex-wife (been together for 10 yrs plus married and she left him) … whole family except him was touring in Perth (sister PR) .. and God forbids …. Their family car over turned twice … with the entire family and a new born inside… Thank God… no death but seriously hurt… there… life is fragile…. Needless reminders like these to tell us cherish each other more could come in more subtle ways than that….
My cousin just got married on Thursday… full stop…. (haha haha Irrelevant!!)
I miss talking to people… I think my social circle is shrinking……… hmm…… by choice? Not at the moment…. Hahahah….. Alrite children… til next time… please take care of yourselves and each other….
For those who are in love please continue to grow mutually with your partner/pet/higher being…. For those who are stressed… know that your are certainly not alone…. For those who don’t give a rat…. I don’t have anything for you anyway ….. hahahah… bye!!!!!Buzz me and try to catch me in Sydney!!! I wanna have dinner sometime !:)