Back in the day when I had oodles of time to surf the web [in high school, haha], I
found a couple of really awesome websites.
I'm still a member of these sites, and every so often, I get free stuff in the mail.
For one website, it's stuff I order from the prize store [all of which is priced with points,
not money, so yes, FREE], the OTHER site sends free stuff for me to test out, and KEEP,
and they have a prize store too!
First of all, I was given an opportunity to be one of the first thousand or few people to have
access to a music website. It's not a site to download music, or to trade music. It's a music
hosting site and it's called Ezmo. The great thing about it is that you can upload ALL of
your music in just 3 clicks, and then you can access your music from ANYWHERE there's an
internet connection. What's great about that is that if my mp3 player conks out on me which
it often does I can just pull out my headphones and hook them up to the computer and go to
Ezmo, and then sign in to my account and listen to my music. I love it AND another cool feature
is that I can invite friends, and then we can list each other in our friends section (10 friends
allowed right now) and get access to each others music!!!!
To me, that is SO AWESOME because then I can see how wacky or boring some of my friends may be.
If you're interested, click
I LOVE this place already, and I've only been a member for...a week maybe.
On to the second site, I joined promosquad a few years ago and it's been awesome. I've
gotten CDs, T-shirts, DVDs, and there's even cooler prizes available if you have a strong will
[good impulse control :]]. Just a couple of months ago, a HUGE prize was the entire Harry
Potter series in the collector's edition box, it was SO cool. Another prize recently was a
digital camera, and right now this is what's in
the prize store. Sadly, I'm low on points
right now because I haven't earned any lately. Been busy man. All these sites require is that
you give a little time to them and you can acquire a LOT of points. But dude, LOOK! A 4 gig iPod
- and it's FREE, you just gotta go and collect points and!!!! lol.
If you're interested,
The only drawback is that both sites are only for US citizens. At least, the whole shipping
address has to be US. Promosquad can only send prizes to US addresses. I'm not sure about
Frogpond. :( Sorry flist foreignors, I would totally be worldwide, but ...yeah,
lol. Though BzzAgent has a Canada and UK website, too. Look at the bottom of the page, in the
lower right hand corner, and then in the lower left hand corner.
Alright, so who wants to be my music friend? Anyone? :P And if you're interested in becoming a
BzzAgent, just send me your email, either through IM, email, comment, whatever. I LOVE ezmo,
man. It totally ROCKS.