A reason for the DDoS attacks (possibly)

Jul 31, 2011 00:00

I just came across a VERY interesting post. I'll copy paste it here, but everyone should go LOOK at it too. It's from tumblr...

Livejournal DDoS Attacks
Everyone is wondering why LJ keeps getting attacked, and I’ve collected up information throughout the separate times that it was under attack. You have to understand that LJ is like the biggest social media/blogging site for Russia. I have heard it likened to facebook, and they don’t really have anything else there that’s popular to communicate. We have countless areas where we can, and we have freedom of speech.
So there are some popular political bloggers over there who use LJ as their platform. I don’t know if they’re in the campaign or support a certain party or are anti-a-certain-party. I don’t know who is attacking who, but I know someone is doing these attacks in an attempt to shut down the LJ bloggers’ ability to freely speak on one of the few platforms that they have available to them.
I find that amazing, and it makes me support LJ through this even if the customer service on the English side is terrible for not telling us sooner and not explaining the nature of why these attacks are happening. I think a lot of people would be more understanding if they knew the details.
There are so many people who I tell this to and who remain completely ignorant and hateful. I’ve heard people say, Just shut the Russian political blogs down. No, that’s what these stupid hackers want. They want to put pressure on LJ to delete those bloggers and that shouldn’t happen. They shouldn’t win. I don’t care who is saying what, freedom of speech is a right everyone should have.
Edited: This is an old article discussing one of the previous attacks and how the government is trying to control this last avenue of freedom of speech for Russians.
Edit2: Thank you for the reblogs everyone. I think it’s important the information get out there since we’re not being informed about it. I don’t know why the English side of LJ’s customer service isn’t mentioning all the details, but it’s not doing them any favors.
Edit 3: It’s been suggested that if it is the Russian govt coming out and giving more details would put LJ in more trouble. In addition, there’s an article in Russian from SUP that states reimbursements of paid accounts will happen and that they did put protective measures into place, but the hackers used new tactics going after IPs? I think. Babelfish is a rough translator. http://www.sup.com/news_357.html


journal 2011

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