thoughts/definitions/rantings. idea stolen from
roxiesblues sexuality:
fluidity of the mind, of the sexual expression and attraction. sexuality gets so caught up in labels and so do i, simply for a way to explain ourselves to others in a short, nonthreatening, nonemotional way. i hate the stereotypes that get tagged onto being "bisexual". at one time i decided to own the term queer, but only for the fear of the term bisexual. which made me realize that i was feeding into those stereotypes. why not redefine the term for myself - like any other term that would be otherwise negative - bitch, cunt, etc - that i feel empowered to use freely. its a day to day conversation you have with people to define it in your own way.
is in your feeling, in your being, in your pure, true self.
is.... freedom, companionship, solitude, anticipation, excitement, courage, strength, reciprocation, hard work, love.
world peace:
is impossible!! the yin and the yang, we cannot have one without the other. we can strive to fill our personal lives with one or the other, but they still have pieces in and of themselves.
mental illness:
i am not exaggerating when i say that 90% of my peers live with mental illness - depression, anxiety, PMDD, bipolar disorder, you name it. it has become such a commonplace aspect of our everyday lives and is an issue that is passed along as a normal and okay part of life. when really its not!! one of the reasons why i will hesitate to ever have children. do i really want to pass down onto my children someday my depression, anxiety, eating disorders onto others? noone should have to go through these. though in doing so, i did become a stronger person for it. and it is a day to day struggle but one that may make people tougher? i will never know.
all in our minds. pushing us forward yet holding us back. creating mental blocks that separate people from each other.
monogamous love
the past few years have taught me so much about what is so beautiful and what is to be valued in a monogamous relationship. its not even about sex! its about friendship! and being un-selfish. it is all about someone elses needs in combination with your own. its so rewarding, and beautiful to know that no matter what, someone always supports you, always loves you, always thinks youre sexy and will only share that personal vulnerable connection with one person - you.