Feb 12, 2006 20:47
soooo it's been quite a while since i've updated for real. i've been doing alright i guess. no new hookups - i'm on a dry spell! um new men, andrew. met him through karissa. i was supposed to hook up with him at this party where his band was playing, but karissa and i ended up not going. so andrew and i started talking online and things were going well. he called me a few times, but each time he was, of course, either high or drunk. (background: he's a HUGE stoner and parties like every weekend. great guy though) and when i first met him, at the robinson coffee house thing, he was really nice and he wasn't forward AT ALL, which i liked. i was alone with him for like 15 minutes and he wasn't trying to be like all over me or anything, though i wish we would have hooked up! i was so mad at myself as i was leaving because i didn't do anything. rawrrrr. but he was high anyway hahaha. oh well. he apparently wants our "essences to clash", meaning he wants to get it on with me ;) ;) hahaha. which is actually something i wouldn't mind at all, considering he is INCREDIBLY hot, with AMAZING arms. mmmmmmmm. but yeah, we still talk, though not as much. i'm still interested, but not obsessive. ok now i really wanna get with him haha
in other news (still about my lack of loving), i've been practically in love with one of my best friends matt taylor for like ever. though he doesn't like me. but it's cool. he knows i like him, and he doesn't make it weird at all, which is what i love about him. and he wants to have sex with me, hahaha. but i digress. in school he's like always all over me, touching me. but i can't say i don't like it. but he does that with like all the girls so it doesn't mean anything. i think he'll be the guy i like throughout all of high school.
JENNY is SO ANNOYING! i can't STAND HER! when i go see kaitlyn and jenny's there, i just get in such a bad mood! i like don't want anything to do with anyone when she's around! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH she just makes me so mad. i hate to say that she is the cause of my mood swings. and she dresses so terrriblyyyy. we had a dress down day last week and she wore these heels (which i have to admit were really cute) but they DID NOT go with her outfit AT ALL. plus i mean, those heels are definitely not right for a regular dress down day. and she wore them again. like the next day. i know i sound like some bitch who only cares about what other people wear, but honestly i just can't stand this girl. BLAHHHHHHHHHH
last friday i threw a suprise party for kaitlyn for her sweet 16. fun fun fun. except for JENNY. she was all over kyle. she even started sucking on his finger like 2 minutes after they started talking. gross much? and then she was all over evan, who she had NEVER even SPOKEN to before! and she thought it would be cool to go take a piss in the yard. so she does that and yells through the window "hey guys i just peed in the yard!" oh, and she fell asleep on evan on the couch. ughhhhhhhhhhh i seriously wanted to shoot her. but other than that, the party was fun. talked to erika and mary most of the time. but it was cool.
school's going alright. i FINALLY have a B in english. perhaps a B in biology!?!?!! that would make my grades all As and Bs. i'd be so happpyyyyy :D!! and i got into honors chemistry for next year! and honors spanish 3. yeah i'm excited for junior year. although a few people are leaving. karissa and jack are going to robinson, taylor's going somewhere else, mary and sammy wanna go to oconnell. blahhhh depressing.
ooookkk mood has gone downhill and i don't really feel like talking about anything else. so maybe i'll update again another time. love love love.