Sep 01, 2005 20:14
These past two days have been a nightmare. And not just because my wallet was stolen, but because of about 80,000 more things on my plate that I have to deal with every day. Sometimes, not every day. But mostly.
Today, I shared the tiniest piece possible of my testimony (otherwise it would take me an entire 24 hours to tell you all of it) in devotions and how starting when I was six, bad things have been happening to me and I've had to learn to rely on God, not anyone else.
I've been so overwhelmed recently that the smallest thing will make me breakdown emotionally like I did at practice today. Not cool. There is so much going on and I just don't know what God wants me to do.
If you honestly know my personality, then you know what I do when I get sad or upset or something. This is not to be confused with what I do when I'm content. Upset and content are two very different things. The people that truly know me, could tell that I was uber upset today. Either that or I was being really obvious about it. You will also know that when upset, I don't like the question, "What's wrong?" and I also don't like it when someone is bothering me about telling them (if you get mad about that, I'm sorry but I'm less likely to tell you). If you do that, I'm not going to. hint hint.
I must hand out hugs to Kyle for letting me cry on his shoulder. I think that's like the third time I've done that to him. Poor guy. Arin deserves a hug as well because he was like half dead on the sideline today. He managed to make it back to the band room within thirty minutes though. Impressive. Also to all the people who have been keeping me in their prayers. It means a lot to me.
I'm pretty much really discouraged and unmotivated and probably will be for the next few days, or weeks, or months for that matter. I will probably breakdown which I do not want to do. Life is tough, man. Life is tough. Smooches. Kaeli.