Lo Ridey-yay

Aug 06, 2005 14:13

Band camp this year = mild boot camp. It's like those Mild Banana Peppers. They have a sort of twist to them, but they aren't spicy like red peppers, ya know? I'm spicy. Sorry, inside joke between Ali and I.

So band camp had its ups and downs. Mainly downs though. The ups were pretty much anything Mr. M said. That guy is great. For example:
"Ahh, my beautiful tuba girls" - (speaking to Arin, Thomas, and David who are, in fact, all of the male gender)

Mr. M is Indian and Ali made a wonderful observation during the course of this week.
Ali - Hey guys, have you seen how he sits? He sits with his legs crossed and stuff and his hands like this (shows how he sits). He looks like an Indian.
Steve: Ali, think about what you just said.

The senior prank this year was really stupid. They ripped it off of one the seniors from four years ago did. They stole some peoples underwear throughout the week and the morning of the last day, they put it out on the field and we all had to stand at attention in front of it. Then we had to go claim our underwear, or "undies" I believe was the term they used, and I held my head high. I was not ashamed to collect my red underwear with a panda on the back end. They also put shaving cream everywhere like the seniors do every year so that gets old too. That's why the class of '08 has some new stuff heading your way. Watch out.

But nothing beats the dumbest prank pulled like last year. The girls took honey and put it on all the toilet seats in the girls bathroom and one of the staff people found the mess and cleaned it up in the middle of the night. Then the guys took a flood light and pointed it into one of the girls cabins which woke up Mrs. Goldston who went outside and unplugged it after like five minutes. The seniors last year did the worst prank ever. It was so poorly put together. They might need to get some advice from us sophmores.

Besides all of that mayhem, everything else pretty much sucked. I hadn't gotten to talk to my boyfriend for about three weeks and I finally had the oppurtunity yesterday on the bus ride back from band camp. We went outside and walked a little. Then he walked me home. Cute. John is awesome.

Want to go see Dukes of Hazard tomorrow sometime after church? Hit the cell. 366-3956. Love.

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