Apr 16, 2007 22:36
Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert journal makeover, yay.
I needed a project for our Rain Day and to keep my mind off of Glass Carl, so this is what I do.
I feel like I havne't done a pony update in a looong time, so here goes nothing!
Buster: The Cutest Gelding in the World, aka Buster Brown, has continued to amuse/worry me. He has a new habit of walking backwards with every brush stroke when I groom him, almost like he's following the brush. I'm working with him on ground tieing, but he kept walking over to his buddy Juno in the aisle. I suppose I'll try him on crossties soon, whenever I have someone around to stand by his head in case he panics again. On Friday, I got kicked by Magic (pony who HATES me, it's quite amusing) and my ankle was killing me all day. It was the only time I've been injured on the farm for more than say, ten minutes. Buster came in on the same day limping - apparantly he either kicked himself or got kicked in the ankle, too. Voodoo Pony? I think so.
Cindy: So, the reason they took me off of her last week was that Nikki said I was the reason Cindy wouldn't canter forward. They tried her without me for a week, and Cindy was downright bad. Not just goofy Cindy bad, either, as I understand. Cathy had me ride her on Thursday, and I was fully expecting a few attitude adjustment moments and some good, long arguments. But, um, can anyone say best ride ever? Sure, she had some anti-bend moments and we had one quick argument, but her four canter longsides were absolutely amazing. She was so forward, I forgot I was riding Cindy! So, Nikki, ha!
I pulled Samson's mane, but only got 3/4 of the way done, so he will look rediculous until I can get out there again. :D