I totally just burnt my tounge on a Wawa Hot Chocolate. Oh, my displaced New Jersians (
nyychick23513, how do you exist without Wawa?!
Midterms have been all week...aced Photo, probably C'd it up on my Alg II, I think I did really well on Chem and well...Gym is Gym. Tomorrow is my toughest day, it's Italian and English. Thursday'll be my easiest day, Journalism and Honors US History.
Friday is just a half day to get all of our grades. Scary shiz right there.
State of the Union tonight. Can't wait for the Daily Show and Colbert Report after it.
I really wish I could write more about 24 but I have people who don't watch it on Mondays so all I'll say is: HOLY SHIT. I LOVE JACK BAUER.
I also love WaWa Hot Chocolate. And warm fuzzy slippers. Goodnight!