049. Ship - June/July - Rambles & Snippets - Fiction[NET]

Apr 07, 2008 21:18

Tyn slept on the sofa in the engine room under Jairdan's jacket, just like she had on her first (well, second) night on the ship, back when she was 16. It was almost 10 years later now and Jairdan had known three jackets since.
Still, as he worked on the engine, more for the sake of doing something he loved doing, he felt strangely in place. It felt like he was home - in an everlasting way - he'd found his reason, however you wanted to put it. Everything was finally normal. They had two exciting heists planned for the week, they had just had dinner with Melantha and a visit was scheduled with Vera, Theani and their little family only two weeks away. He couldn’t think of anything else which would make him happier.

Content. That was the word. Jairdan had thought he'd been basically content before... if someone had asked... but now he knew he hadn't been. Not back then, no. This, his current life, that was contentment.

He looked up at Tyn as she mumbled something in her sleep and rolled over, wrapping herself in his jacket tighter. He went back to his work, a thoughtful expression on his face. She had changed somehow in her time away from him. He couldn't actually put his finger on what or how or why, but she had.
He had too, apparently, but he couldn't put his finger on that either. He believed it though. That year... hadn't been nice.

Suddenly, he wanted her awake. A dangerous want, given what her mood was likely to be, but he still moved to her side and gave her a gentle shake.
"Tyn... wake up, snookums."
"...You're just trying to irritate me now." she woke instantly as always but blinked at him and the light with a sleepy look.
"Well, if you're going to be in a grumpy mood I may as well have fun." he reasoned, sitting on the end of the sofa after she shifted and pulled her legs onto his lap in compromise.
"Anything wrong?" she seemed only sleepy, not annoyed, and passed him a cushion for his head. The way she was always alert to his mood was something he was used to these days.
He shrugged a shake of his head, a weird movement and she smiled through a yawn.
"This co-dependency thing is embarrassing at times." she murmured softly, knowing now why she'd been woken.
"Is it? Really?" he asked and she mimicked his strange head shake and shrug.
"Only when it's a threesome with a ship." she paused. "I wouldn't change any little bit of it though. This is… home." she smiled thoughtfully. "Jairdan?"
"Yes, snookums?" he ignored the look she shot him and eventually she continued.
"Thank you. For shooting my boss all those years ago... And for grabbing my hand. And not giving up on me…"
Jairdan smiled softly and turned to gaze at her, patting her leg gently.
"My pleasure, my leading lady, dear."

<--- 048. Sleep || 050. Partner --->

fiction[net]: rambles & snippets, original writing: pirates without a sky

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