Jun 11, 2008 13:01
One week from today at this time I will be halfway done with my licensure exam. It is pretty much the most important test I have taken so far in life, but I think I have reached my studying plateau. I just can't focus anymore. I know I don't know everything but studying during the summer is just such a drag. I am taking my final practice exam tomorrow so hopefully I get a decent score on that. If not, maybe it will freak me out enough to get my rear in gear and buckle down these last few days before the exam.
Everything else is going well. I start my full-time job on July 14th and start my on-call job as soon as I find out I passed my exam. The half marathon this year went pretty well. I wasn't as fast as last year, but I also slacked off quite a bit with my training this year. Chad and I finished within 0.1 seconds of each other, so that was pretty neat. Lisa and I stayed in Traverse City for two nights. It was our first time leaving Hailey overnight and although it was a bit nerve-wrecking, we survived (and so did Hailey). I am looking forward to relaxing for a few days after this dreaded test next week. The family vacation is July 6th-12th at the lake and I think it's going to be a blast this year. For the first time since I can remember, we actually get to enjoy it for the entire week! Plus it's always great seeing cousins and family members you only see once a year.
I have to confess this "foot-in-mouth" comment for your amusement. A few weeks ago I was at a friend's college graduation party. I saw my ex-gf there (who is now married) and I had recently read on facebook that she was "getting a boy." So I assumed she was pregnant. When I saw her I walked up to her and said "I hear you are expecting. Congratulations. When are you due?" HAHAHA, I felt so dumb when she responded with "I'm not pregnant. We are adopting." Hopefully she doesn't think I am a complete ass. Oh well. Live and learn I guess.
It's been about 15 minutes now. I SUPPOSE I should go back to studying. I was nodding off so I figured I should take a little break. Mountain Dew isn't even helping anymore!
Hopefully my next post will be announcing that I passed my exam and I am a licensed PT =)