Okay, so the first book in a Young Adult prequel series for Dark Hunters was just released today. Naturally, I've already read the whole darned thing. The series is called "Chronicles of Nick", and is largely about the childhood of Nick Gautier, a character who happens to have a history with Acheron. This starts off when Nick first finds out about the supernatural world, and will apparently go on until the timeline intersects with the main series.
Anyhow! Underneath the cut is a whole bunch of random musings on my first read-through of the book. This is really for my own reference, rather than anyone else's. As such, I seriously doubt it would make any sense to anyone not me. Unless you've read the books.
- Going into this, the author has stated that there are a lot of things that are going to seem like inconsistencies with the main series, but that they will be explained, and that this is Nick's real and true history. So. Onwards!
- So, it looks like Nick got a glimpse of Ash's true form in their first meeting.
- It also looks like Ash realized that Nick is immune to both his aunt's curse and mindwiping on their first meeting. This is a very productive introduction.
- ...Wow, it didn't take very long at all for Nick to realize that Ash is a god. Congratulations, Dark Hunters, a fourteen-year-old Cajun guttersnipe is more perceptive than warriors that are thousands of years old and have spend massively more time with Ash.
- You know, Ash, for a guy who doesn't generally trust people, you sure warmed up to Nick suprisingly quick.
- How do people manage to keep the supernatural world a secret if they're all dumb enough to talk about it in broad daylight in front of a school?
- ........Why the fuck is older!Nick playing around in his own past? And more importantly, why is Artemis there?
- Dammit, Artemis, learn how to talk properly!
- Awwww, Nick's dad really DID love his mom!
- Note to self: Ash is a troll when he gets bored. A benign troll, but nevertheless.
- Clearly, older!Nick is from some point in the timeline after the series. And I susupect he's from an alternate timeline, as well.
- SIMI?! SIMI?! How is Simi there and how could Nick possibly know her?!
- ....Was Stone in the main series? I need to read Bad Moon Rising again, I think...
- Wait just a minute. HOW THE HELL ARE NICK'S POWER'S BEING UNLOCKED?! What what what what what?! That's not supposed to happen yet!
- Who... and WHAT... is Nekoda? Tangent: I wonder if that's going to be the girl he hooks up with in the main series...
- ....I think I love how utterly sarcastic Nick's book is.