Allyson, my dear friend's, latest post got me thinking. In today's conservative america it seems that all of the really good ideas of yesteryear have been forgotten. For example, this page which I did steal from her has on it a list of books that have been deemed as harmful to the general human race My first comment regarding the list concerns one Karl Marx. In my opinion he was not only one of, but most likely the most important visionary in the development of politics as well as general human psyche that has ever lived. If any of you disagree with me in this regard please make your case and I will listen. The other individual that I would like commend on this list above all the others is Professor Alfred Kinsey who, by no stretch of the imagination could be considered dangerous. Professor Kinsey's great atrocity in the eyes of these conservative jackasses was revealing what animals humans really are, revealed the biological nature of us all, developed the scale by which men are judged in regards to their sexual preferences and orientation. All of the authors on the list are influential people that had their specific time and place and all were wise beyond the scope of their peers. Someone, anyone let me know that Allyson and I are not alone in our views that these individuals were, and still are great.