'my eyes have turned red as stop lights, you seem ready to walk...'

Oct 27, 2005 20:05

I feel hot in this moment. A burning in the chest. Glasses of wine, and re-(collecting). Dialing in the drums, rubbing my eyes. I feel the night out a window in Bordeaux. I'm listening to Digital Ash in a Digital Urn and it's so fucking cold this winter. But I'm putting 'em down, glass after glass. Catching the tram late, really late, just walking, feeling the burn. Songs are in my head, bouncing around, lost, no direction, befuddled and misguided by liquor, loud. I'm craving chocolate but everything's closed, and how has my life come to this? To a moment, to a time that means so much? Something fresh and deadly, real in the pain, full of glory. Nothing will compare to that. For now.

So many beats, so many memories.

And what do they all mean?
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