Jun 01, 2004 00:22
I have not entered anything for the past two days.
Sunday. The day after our show. It is amazing to see how many people support us. Our first show, and people loved us. That is the most amazing feeling ever. I really hope this goes somewhere.
After work, I went to the Akron skate park with Rex, Adam, and Joe. Joe still wasn't feeling well, and his voice was very hoarse, but we still had fun.
A graffiti message slapped me in the face while we were there. Amidst the pentagrams ( both inverted and normal), marijuana promotions, and depictions of male genitals, a message stood out: "FIGHT WAR, NOT WARS". It hit me then what a cruel place this world is... the person that wrote that for all to see is nothing but a little voice screaming at the world. A single person, going against the tide. I told Adam about it, and he said "Not many people get that." We are the kind that scream out. That want to leave a legacy. That want to change the world, smack everyone in the face, and make them see the truth....
Today. Memorial Day. It is sad that a day of remembrance turns into a day of fun and family gatherings. We celebrate the deaths of those that fought for this nonsense. We believe so strongly in the cause of freedom and hope and love, and yet we are so selfish and ignorant to mourn the loss of soldiers that died not having a clue what they were really fighting for.
I suppose I am glad for it though, glad for the ignorance and stupidity of it.
This journal has less wisdom than usual, but I need to write it all down. Take it for what you will.