
Sep 14, 2009 09:21


i haven't updated for a long time. i've been pretty busy at work. i guess i'm starting to get on top of that now, so here's a sketchy portrayal of things in general lately:

three weeks ago i went to New South Wales for work. i spent three days in Sydney, two days in Wagga Wagga and two days in Canberra, including one in Queanbeyan, which is a twenty minute drive south of Canberra. i can't be bothered telling the whole story so here are some highlights:
- finding a copy of Slint's 'Tweez' and a nice dress (which fit!) for Michelle (she later clarified that it is in fact a pinafore) at the Glebe markets
- hanging out with my friend Eden on King St. in Newtown and eating awesome food cooked by his girlfriend Alex
 in their excellent townhouse
- meeting up with Jeni for a drink underneath the Opera House
- going to the MCA
- having a view of Sydney Harbour from my hotel room
- calling into the 'Posted' show for the Radiothon edition from my hotel room in Wagga Wagga
- free movies in my hotel room in Canberra
- hanging out with Shoeb and some other nice Canberra peeps and playing a show in a dude's lounge room in suburban Canberra

yeah so that pretty much sums it up. oh, also when i first got into Sydders i was waiting at the train station for Eden and i saw an 'Anonymous' rally. they were hell geeks hey. lots of trench coats, extra long doc martens, long greasy hair, glasses and pimples. except there was one totally smoking hot girl there. after fuck all sleep the night before and a three hour flight it was a pretty surreal sight.

ok, so now i will skip forward to the weekend that has just happened, because in between i did a bit of stuff but i forget and yeah, whatevs.

on Friday we went to see 'UP' in 3D at Innaloo Megaplex.

it was awesome. i highly recommend this film to every single person on the planet. i can't imagine anyone not liking this film. seriously, i challenge everyone in the entire world to not like this film. also, i put the 3D glasses on over my real glasses and i did not get a headache! which is good, because i was told that i might. i did get a sore neck from craning my head away from the dude next to me because he had bad breath, but yeah, no headache!

then we went to deville's and watched boys boys boys and danced to some well known and some totally obscure rockabilly-oriented 80s music. at first i tried to get drunk, but the cocktails they mixed me were really weak and expensive (come on deville's! what are you doing?) so i decided to not get drunk because it would cost too much money. we saw a dude who looked like peter weller in 'the naked lunch' and i saw a woman who looked like catherine o'hara. awesome.

on saturday we had a wicked breakfast at 'soda' cafe in trigg. i had field mushrooms, spinach and goat curd on top of a slab of pollenta, with balsmaic glaze - best breakfast i have had in a fucken long time hey. we tried walking along the coast but it was blowing a gale so we went home and watched sopranos instead. in the afternoon we did grocery shopping and i traded in some CDs at plastic passions. i got some excellent stuff including:
- Saul Williams' self-titled 2004 album
- 'The Sun' by Fridge
- The New Year's second album
- 'Snivilisation' by Orbital (ha ha walkman cover art!)

- an album by The Essex Green

saturday night we went to see the preview of the play 'equus' at his majesty's theatre. they play is famous because in a recent london production harry potter played one of the main parts and the role required him to get naked. but there was female nudity also, so it was cool. harry potter wasn't in this version though. i didn't really think of much of this production. they had a rotating stage that they didn't make proper use of, and many of the performances verged on caricature. even parts of the main actor's role were overblown and seemed amateurishly performative. (janelle - it was like that SNL skit that we sued to tease michelle and james beck about - "theatre stories") i feel this is pretty much down to poor direction, because the script is great, and it's an interesting story. anyway, it was a good way to kill a saturday night.

yesterday i did some laundry, played a bit of grand theft auto, went for a walk, had a jam with matt aitken and watched 'W.', which was ok - it's certainly not a lambasting of george w. bush, and i think sometimes it tries a bit too hard to be fair and balanced - it makes the film a little uneventful at times. george w. bush does come off looking like a tool, but really, there's no other way for him to be portrayed. a rich kid who was able to buy himself into the white house with charisma and his family's bank account. anyway, it was a decent way to spent a sunday night.

ok, that's it for now. laters.

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