update (including stuff i do at work and recent popular cultural preoccupations)

Apr 03, 2009 14:02


so i just finished writing a "tender application" which is a big old document saying why my company should do some work for someone who's put out a request for said work to be done. the work in question is an evaluation of the Construction Industry Training Board's vocational program entitled Doorways 2 Construction. in short what this means is, if we win this contract I will go to Adelaide, Port Lincoln and Mt. Gambier to talk to people from schools, training organisations and the construction industry to see whether the D2C program has rocked as hard as the CITB says it has... i dunno, could be ok, plus i would get to travel here:

the Blue Lake in Mt. Gambier. how blue is it?! hella blue.

also, i just finished reading The Ecstasy Club by Douglas Rushkoff. It was pretty good. It's about a bunch of neo-hippy revolutionaries in San Francisco in the 1990s who take over an abandoned piano factory and turn it into a nightclub. They're also into virtual reality mind-tripping, where they take drugs and plug themselves into some kind of computer trip type thing... Pretty far fetched, but if you go along with it it's not too bad, except there was all this conspiracy theory stuff in there that convoluted the plot, and really, I'm mostly about characters, so I prefer just reading about how the characters interact with one another instead of religious cults and government agencies in cahoots with one another. Still, Rushkoff is an interesting writer and he really captures the cultural zeitgeist of the hippy-idealist end of the 90s rave scene.

i recently stumbled across the art of fred einaudi. i really like this picture (may not be safe for work).

so lately i've been listening a bit to this band Wold, from saskatchewan in canada, which is prairie territory. They're kind of like an ambient black metal outfit, but i would label them white noise metal because their music is arhythmic and generally made up of some of the harshest white noise you'll hear with muffled black metal vocals - not the rumbling death rattle style vocals you get in death metal, the screechy high pitched witch-shriek metal vocals ala this guy:

the thing about this music that i find really interesting is that is seems to be an accurate sonic depiction of the artists' surrounding environment. i think this music actually "sounds" like wind whipping across the canadian prairies in the middle of winter - it sounds like a snowstorm. anyway, if you're interested you can download some of their songs here and here

hey, have you ever heard of elizabeth bathory? i found out about her when i was reading about swedish metal band bathory, who obviously took their name from her. elizabeth bathory was a hungarian countess who was accused of mudering over 600 girls and women. she was only convicted on the deaths of 80. according to legend she liked to bathe in the blood of virgins to retain her youth. spooky!

well, this post has quickly deteriorated into blood and violence so perhaps i should leave it at that before it gets any more depraved.
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