Well, that was edible

Oct 07, 2009 18:20

 Shocking!  For a change, the Chinese we ordered didn't suck!  It's a miracle!

Also, I got an oddly appropriate fortune.  "You could make a name for yourself in the field of medicine".  It's completely bogus--that would apply for a tiny fraction of a percent of the population.  However, I was considering going into med school...


Anyways, I must ask how I can get 1 of 2 points on the test question, "Which has the higher heat of combustion: molecule A or molecule B?"  I mean... you either get it right, or you get it wrong.  Plus, I got the subsequent question, "explain why", right.  Overall, I got 96% on a 75% average test, though, so I'm doing well.  Still: whiskey tango foxtrot?

Also, there are homes, and then there are crazy homes.  Try not to imitate the latter.  It can be a tad disruptive, even if you think it's awesome.

wtfery, edible chinese, o-chem

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