So I'm still blowing off studying for an O-chem test...

Oct 04, 2009 18:26

 Yep.  I curse myself for doing so well in school up to this point that I have no study habits to speak of.  It's kind of hard to develop them when you effortlessly ace tests without a jot of studying.  Now it comes to the point where I really have to study hard, and I'm... well... not studying.  Or, at least, I can't bring myself to do all the practice problems.

Anyways, in further cooking (mis)adventures, I have realized three things.  First, my brother/roommate really doesn't like the frozen veggies I cook to keep the diet slightly healthy.  Second, it's almost impossible to add too much spice (think of those huge packets in the grocery store that go to a single dish).  Third: you should always be careful with a knife-even when you're just opening a bag of frozen green beans.  It's the first time I've cut myself cooking.

Also, I found a new webcomic.  As I always do, I take out a chunk of time to read every episode (and usually, in the next few days, re-read the entire series a couple times).  Unfortunately, there's only like 50-60 episodes of that comic written.  Or fortunately, maybe.  I have managed to get some O-chem studying in...

procrastination, fail

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