Health insurance. In theory, it seems to go like this: I pay company X a lot of money. They in turn, agree to cover some agreed amount (with deductions and what not) of my medical costs incurred during coverage.
The balance of some people not getting sick but still paying money, and some people getting sick and needing more money than they've paid should even out fairly well, and result in a modest profit for company X.
However, since the people in company X are greedy scumballs, what they do instead is say "Hey, client Y was diagnosed with something that would be expensive to cover (breast cancer). Is there any way we can retroactively revoke her coverage? Ah yes, she didn't report her acne and rapid heart beat! Eureka!"
[Link] What does this mean for client Y? One sorry bitch dead, and a bonus for the CEO at the end of the year!
Why can't we just have an honest insurance company that isn't out to fuck people? Or maybe we could actually have affordable medical procedures so that going to the doctor for something wouldn't cost a thousand dollars without insurance?
Oh! Or maybe people could just not be so fucking horrible? And it isn't most people, no. It's just that slime at the top of the pond, soaking up all the sunlight. God damnit.