Even jammie dodgers can't save me now!

Apr 02, 2009 16:54

Though it is a start!

In scooter news...

I thought taking the wonky bike to the garage was going to be baad. Seems like I can adapt to non-straight steering! Go me!
However... I don't have to like it!
I was all EEEEEE the whole way to and from the garage!
Seems like it is unfixable. Going to get secondhand handlebars from garage guys contact in the other garage. If it ws up to the other guy there, I would be going to another garage as well. But garage guy said he would get and do. Would rather pay him any way. He can't get anything done untill sometime monday. That might only be getting the part. Not sure what the deal will be as to fitting. As it seems to be a 'orrible job.
Why is it never easy?

gibbs, gah!

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