So, My Life

Sep 14, 2012 20:07

My first full week of classes was exhausting, but good.
I am finally registered for Advanced Russian after proving that I am well above the intermediate level and willing to do extra work to make up for gaps in what I have learned. I am taking a history course on the Romanov dynasty which is interesting information, but moves kind of slowly in class. Revolutions is really hard, and I think the discourse in class is a little over my head, but I talked to the professor and he is clearly trying to support me as best as he possibly can, and he doesn't want it to be over my head, so that's nice. I also got into Sociology of Pop Culture (I was waitlisted over the weekend, but got into it on Sunday night in time to do the work for Tuesday's class). Pilates is really hard on my abs, and yoga is really relaxing and meditative. Chorale is amazing as always.
I auditioned for Hamlet yesterday, and will find out tomorrow night if I got called back. I am dying to play Ophelia. I tried my hardest in the audition, I just hope they see that.
I got the cartilage of my ear pierced today. It was scary, and impulsive. I went to a very well known place, where they are expensive but also clean and healthy. Once I went in, I committed myself to doing it, so I didn't back down, even when the needle was scary. It hurt a lot, and hurt again when she had to adjust the stud. I apparently have unusually thin ears. I didn't bleed though, and she said it looked really good right away, so she took a picture to put on their website to show what kinds of piercings they can do.
I have decided not to do a senior thesis. I am working on a new photography project (seven heavenly virtues) and am also constructing an excellent costume for GYGO (the geeky costume party in October). It promises to be a fun Halloween.
The Mob and I have bought a small circus tent for inside our room. We will fill it with pillows and use it to curl up and read in.

Link Spam!
What Does Organic Mean?

Factory Farm Cruelty

Eating Less Meat with Hank Green (video) "I think we need a coalition for meat eaters who eat less meat!"

TV for Chickens (video) when you show chickens television, they become more passive and less likely to kill each other.

The Personal Ethics of Vegetarianism

life's goings on, vegetarianism, link spam

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