Maybe your army comes and maybe it's too much for us but it's all on you. Because if we can't protect the Earth, you can be damned well sure we'll avenge it!
-Tony Stark, the Avengers (2012)
So today I saw the Avengers and now I want to do some more research and find enough information to write a really good paper analyzing it. You'll probably just get a blog post at some point and that will be it. Overall, I think it was a fun movie with explosions, yay! I wish there was more depth to the characters and exploration of their interactions, and the final battle was not as epic simply because there were too many heroes, basically, but I came away from that movie thinking my money was well spent.
Also, there's a part in the movie where Black Widow is being interrogated in Russian and since the movie had Danish subtitles, we had no English subtitles, and I translated fairly well! So that was pretty cool.
Uh, link spam, link spam theme is... Doing Good:
The Retail Dance (video)
Compliments for Strangers (video)
Nerdfighting in Bangladesh (video) "There is no them, there is only us. Every time in the past six months that I've tried to imagine a 'them' there has been someone out there to prove to me that 'them' is part of 'us.'"
The Bank of Nerdfighteria (video)
How to Be a Microfinancier (video)
Part Two (video) Poor people are also people! Oh man!
Compound Nerd Fighters (video)
Seven Billion People (video)
Trying to connect to people you don't know (video)
BookWish is an excellent charity, this is a video about it by John Green (video)
You Are Not An Activist (video) Think about the causes you support. The ones you really support. The ones you would look uncool for, lift up some of the weight for, put something of yourself on the line for. Now do something for them. Something more than liking a facebook page or changing your profile picture. When you learn about an injustice and you want to change it, set yourself out to do something. If more of us did this, more things would change for the better.