Oct 12, 2009 20:51
So, I'm rambling a little bit. Really tired. Last night I had a sleepover at Lauren and Becca's, which was awesome. I'm pretty tired. I'm gonna sleep in tomorrow and get some rest before I go back to MHC around 3:30, when my mom can give me a ride.
Had a bit of an argument with my parents over it. My mom said it wasn't fair to make my parents drive out, get me, bring me back, then go home again. She wanted me to carpool with people. I pointed out that I did carpool with people to get home, and I didn't ask for a ride back because 1. Lauren went back before I did and 2. my mom already told me it would be okay to get a ride with her on Tuesday. She offered to. So why the heck was she mad at me?
But. I guess when she said "I can give you a ride" she meant "don't ever ask me for a ride again, I'm busy!" Because "adulthood" is learning to read "between the lines."
I'm really sleepy and still a little frustrated, so I'm not gonna say anything more. In fact, I'm gonna go to bed.