Laura: I wrote that I would fight him, I would cry, and I would eat him. He stole my lunch money, he must pay.
Lauren: God told us to be at rehearsal at 6:00.
Josh: I found a little metal thing. I don't know what it is, but someone does.
My Dad: It should never be soup or ambulance, and you should never run out of soup.
Mrs. Panciera: It's really not attractive to be with someone who's coughing all night.
Sean: I think it's kind of attractive.
Mrs. Panciera: That's a whole other story.
Paco: See, I was right!
Laura: Yeah, yeah, monkey wrench!
Abbie: I'm on autopilot. "Hit pickle ball... hit pickle ball..."
Max: I enjoy juice.
Liz: Did you pee on yourself again?
Mrs. Panciera: We ran over a cat. I got lice. I got a pencil for my birthday.
Don: Why don't you go back to the bathroom and smoke a little more.
Matt: You fix dinner?
Don: If it's broken you do.
Jimmy: This is a penis. This is an angry penis. This is a sad penis.
Sarah: So she'll look down and hit me with her car. I'll be fine.
Don: So what's he thinking about?
Stuart: Doing her.
Don: Now all I have to do is follow your rabbits!
Willie: Wow, I've never been this high before.
Sean: This is silly.
Stuart: Paco es estupido.
Laura: You are Paco!
Malina: That was so good.
Stuart: That's what she said.
Laura: Not to you, Stuart.
Kristen: I'm gonna have a pool one day and put a seal in it.
My Dad: "Hello, sir, why are you here?" "Well, my son wouldn't buy me any soup..."
Audrey: But being dead is a state.
Willie: So? I'm in a state of Massachusetts.
Stuart: It's not abuse if it's for science!
Kristen: (yelling at the TV) Put el pez back in el agua!
Kristen: Oh, it likes me, it's trying to get away.
Me: What color?
Sam: Eight.
Lauren: They're not very close to defeating the dude who is evil.
Lauren: Hi! How are you and what are you doing here and what is your purpose in life?
Don: Que prefieres tener... gonorrhea o diarrhea.
Don: No Carlos, no Paco, es bueno.
Don: Good, it's okay, we know where we stand. She doesn't like us, she wants new people.
Don: Mucho tequila, una cosa mas importante.
Willie: You know, like, how, like, we just, like, went over, like-
Don: What, like?
Don: You guys should see me on Guitar Hero. I rock out. It comes up and says "You Rock!" and I'm like "yeah!"
My Dad: I think I'm having a heart attack. I'll have some soup.
Mr. Dolan: At times it sounds like we're dropping bricks in their tubas.
Kim: Lauren, can you do me a favor and not die today?
Lauren: Nope.
Laura: What would you do if you were kicked out of your house?
Lauren: Buy lots of yellow paint.
Laura: I would punish to my child, let's move on!
Laura: What extinct animal would you resurrect if you could?
Lauren: I guess Jesus doesn't count.
Ashley: (on what she would invent if she could) It would fly. It's kind of like an airplane.
Lauren: He took my bible. I think he needs to be enlightened.
Laura: Don Quixote is his favorite book? What happened to that child?
Laura: He's watching a telephone directory.
Laura: She is free. She comes with the suit.
Mrs. Faust: Talent isn't like your virginity, you don't have to save it for that one special time.
Stuart: You'd beat your kids?
Willie: No, they wouldn't live long enough to be beaten!
Ashley:(slowly) Mammoths are big, they provide lots of food... (very quickly) for my people who hunt them with spears.
Don: I do [his homework] after I smoke some crack and I have trouble concentrating.
Don: Cuando regreces a Italia, dejelo en Italia, por favor.
(when you get to Italy, leave him there, please)
Kristen: I LOVE cheese.
Don: Una persona cambiarias nada?
(one person changes nothing?)
Stuart: They need to change their ego.
Willie: What can we do with the roots concert?
Jimmy: Light them on fire?
Laura: I'm not okay with this.
Liz: So, if I wanted to seduce women I would be a swan.
Lauren: If your ancestors were catholic and mine were protestant then they were probably killing each other, but I still like you.
Don: If someone reads the answer, stab them in the eye with your pencil.
Mrs. Faust: We have about twenty kids to dispose of.
Courtney: I'm going to get a job.
JT: (loudly) You're going to STRIP? (pause) ...or something.
Mr. Sealy: Who cares if I'm naked?
Malina: I don't make sense when I talk.
Meredith: What are you talking about?
Malina: Exactly.
Kayla: I tried to write a poem about weed, but I forgot about it.
Aaron: I was never trained in bouncy ball technique.
Don: What does the protagonist do?
JT: Protagonize.
Don: Su hermano y su prostituta!
Kristen: (about a picture book) I get it, he's drunk!
Kristen: If Stuart's in it I'm not!
Malina: I don't kill prostitutes!
Lauren: L-M-N-O-P-Duck.
Ashley: Does anyone know if a body is a him or an it?
Ashley: (to Willie) Just commit suicide already!
Don: Por favor!
Don: It's the tilt-a-bed!
Linsey: Why is the world gonna end?
Lauren: Anna doesn't approve of the soup.
Don: If you, usted, Mr. Cahill, who I worship- oh, he's not there, never mind.
Mr. Dolan: You're supposed to play it with a mallet, not your head.
Mrs. Panciera: (reading a list of controversal topics) Cigarette prices?
Sarah: (very angrily) They went UP!
Willie: (Mumbling to himself) Then I have to go here...
Someone: Willie, what are you talking about?
Willie: I don't know, I'm really COLD.
Ashley: There's a j in that word, right?
Don: Yes, but it's silent. And invisible.
JT: Fine, I'll chop you up and put you in a suitcase!
Laura: You are one fine potato!
Mrs. Panciera: People who go to the supermarket as a couple. WHY?
Our Story: "Papa! Are there whales at the beach?" "No, there aren't whales." "Hay sharks?" "Neither!" "Then what are there?" "There are swimmers." "What are swimmers, Papa?" "Inoffensive animals." "Papa, that man is looking at me!" "If he looks at you with good eyes..." "He's looking at me with good eyes!" "In that case, we're going to sleep." "Papa, tengo miedo." "In that case, I'm putting you in my suitcase!"
Ashley: Your face is a whale. No it's not, it's a face.
Me: Are you stuck to the paper?
Lauren: I LIKE glue.
Jamie: I hate mosquitos.
Ben: Those bastards.
Mrs. Panciera: Are airplanes lighter than air?
Kristen: "I'm afraid!" "That's ridiculous, get in the suitcase!"
Kristen: Like the time I got stuck in the revolving door at the empire state building!
Someone: They will call him "pimp bat."
Lauren: (annoyed) I want to glue something to my fingers and nothing will stick.
Someone: Birth of a spoon... death of a spoon.
Someone: Bring me back a wave from the lake of dreams, and bring me back a stone from the sea of stones, and bring me back... something of the something. Damn.
Willie: Oh, I caught it... on my pant leg.
Kristen: Hey, I'm not a prostitute!
Don: He's kissing his mother goodbye, not making out with her!
Josh: I like taking pictures in front of boats, people think it's my boat. "Hey Josh, nice boat." "Thanks man." (pause) It's not my boat.
Don: While he was fondling his mother...