"Have Fun, Go Mad" by Blaire (I think) I hope it'll work for those of you who download it, cuz its in 'omg' format as opposed to 'mp3'. GET IT??? OMG??? I forget what it stands for in terms of music formats. It pro'ly stands for "OMG MUSIC!" but I could be wrong.
Not going online for several days has made me realize how addicted to it people (includint me) are. So I'm going to stop going online so much. Because sunshine and being outside is much better.
Biked with Mono down to Solano today, to get a copy of Lolita to replace the one that he lost from BHS library. He also got a burrito and I got a FREE SCONE from someone who worked at the place where I attempted to buy a scone from. :D It was an orange and current scone, and the place was on the same block as Stash, only I forget the name.
I'm getting sick. Huzzah.