Apr 11, 2004 14:50
you ask me why im scared? does it not seem fair?
yes well. so now im being TOLD who im dating by mack. no, nono, he didnt ask me if i was dating l.e.j. he told me i was. when i ask him one question-- if hes interested in any girls-- he blows up on me. dont i have the right to become equally angry, if not more, when he TELLS me that i am dating someone and he doesnt care. we go through about a 20 minute argument about how i think i would know best if im going out with someone. he says that i definitley am and i shouldnt be ashamed of it. ashamed of what?!
theres nothing to be ashamed of.. im really sorry im not dating someone so i could rub it into his face and hopefully make him become jealous and want me back. you know mack, its a lot easier for me to find a guy than it is for you to find a girl, so before you haul off and make me consider going out with someone, why dont YOU find yourself a lady first and then we can make each other jealous..
"I want your boy friend in a box so i can send him off somewhere far away, then we'll be the way like we used to be. you want my girlfriend all tied up so u can threaten her. since im not with you, now you're tellin her that you still want me, still want me. i dont want to be second best, ive waited too long. i just want a second chance to be your first again. you're never satisfied with anyone pretending your content. when your boyfriend leaves you'll be calling me, then we'll cheat again, cheat again"
- "second best" by homegrown ..
yes well that was a nice little interlude to tell you about the situation.. back to the story..
lets get one thing straight though.. l.e.j. is not currently the apple of my eye, and i dont see him having the potential to be. hes a totally awesome guy definitley funny, but no
well what the hell mack schaffer, youre totally hypocritical...
ooh ooh there's more though... then he informs me that l.e.j. likes me a lot and that hes in no way jealous, in no way angry, or anything. well thanks... thanks for that.. awesome..
mackenzie don "mittuns" schaffer .. this is war