
Mar 28, 2007 13:46

{Q: How is evolution like a life-saver?}

I was sick for 5 days.
I had a fever that made me feel cold even on a warm 80 degree day.
My dreams were of searching, exploring, finding
In my dreams I would find things that I had never ever seen/experienced before. Not EVER. Not in a different dream, not in a Terry Gilliam or David Lynch film, not in a Dr. Suess story.
Some of the things where "easy." Like the tiger colored alpaca "like" animals that had tales that looked like heads and heads that looks like tails. They were easy. See, I just told you about them. The other stuff...I can't even tell myself about. I dreamed of new(to me) minds, and mind sets. New paradigms. New Languages.
[I suppose everyone has had those bad dreams where one finds them self doing the same thing over and over. Kind of a broken record nightmare. Very frustrating.]
At first I thought I was having those because there was a cyclical type of repetition, but this was no glitch. I was dreaming about things that I could not understand and I would repeatedly come back to different nodes of the dream to try to understand them again.

I was uncomfortable and so I called it a sickness and tried to fight it a little. The fever was high so I was taking advil cuz I was afraid of it getting too high.

Viruses prolly exist to provide humans with a seed for evolution (like sand in an oyster). Every time you "catch" a virus you have to overcome it through what is really a tiny evolution. Your body has to learn how to make an anti-body for that virus. For your body to make ANYthing it has to use DNA/RNA. Viruses attack your body by inserting a string of "malicious" DNA into your cell which causes that cell to begin producing more viral DNA rather than doing that cells normal function. This both propagates the virus and kills your cells. Your body "captures" some of this virus and learns to identify it and then sends white blood cells around to kill all the cells that the virus has infected. Often your body will give itself a fever while this is happening because each extra degree of body heat rises your metabolism 10% and this also increases the efficiency with which hormonal and lymphatic signals can be sent through the body. The fever facilitates your micro-evolution.

Fevers are also known to induce bizarre dreams. They say dreams are the minds place to work out what it can not work out consciously. But I suppose sometimes there might be some koan that needed a little extra kicker of a dream-state waiting for you to get a fever. All I'm really saying is that a fever can also facilitate spiritual evolution through an altered dream-state. Not that every fever does this.

vaccinations and inoculations are an ingenious way of helping the body learn how to micro-evolve without skipping any steps

anti-biotics may have saved a lot of people from dieing a lot of times. With the continued "development" of them we seem to be finding that rather than facilitating the bodies natural ability to evolve beyond the reach of some disease they seem to instead be helping the diseases themselves to evolve into seemingly unbeatable koans. And to compensate for that we have other drugs that will help you feel more comfortable while you are ravaged by these diseases.

So you see, Jerry Falwell, in his blind adherence to fundamental xianity and condemnation of evolution is involuntarily committing suicide. He has an I-do-not-need-to-change form of (un)consciousness. If you do choose to watch JF on the tube also notice that he is trying to battle terrorists by eating all of their food. It's either that or his momma told him that you feed a cold to starve a fever. He does not want to get a fever.

Ok, but seriously. You have to roll with the changes. And sometimes that means redefining rolling altogether.

{A: Active Immunity, esp.naturally aquired}
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