pokemon metaphors are fun!

Dec 09, 2005 00:22

WoodooFerrett: you're a funny one, you know.
istolethebentley: you're a crazy one, you know
WoodooFerrett: you know you dig it.
istolethebentley: yeah, what can I say?
istolethebentley: psychopaths make me hot
WoodooFerrett: glad to hear it, because you've got yourself a real winner.
istolethebentley: I definitely scored
istolethebentley: I need a baseball hat
istolethebentley: So I can turn it backwards and hold out my Pokeball
istolethebentley: and be like BAM I caught Caterpie!
istolethebentley: even though you're not a bug
WoodooFerrett: lol.
WoodooFerrett: I see myself as more of a Kadabra, really.
WoodooFerrett: Once you trade me using a game link(r), I'll evolve into Alakazam!
WoodooFerrett: Don't trade me.
WoodooFerrett: that'd be very bad.
istolethebentley: No, I won't
istolethebentley: I'll store you in my computer
WoodooFerrett: but then I won't get any exp!
istolethebentley: Fine, fine
istolethebentley: I'll use you to beat Team Rocket
istolethebentley: And Missingno
istolethebentley: And then just go stomp lv. 4 pidgeys and stuff
WoodooFerrett: You need to take me out, use me, abuse me, turn me in to nurse joy, and keep me as number 1 in your party.
WoodooFerrett: rawk on!
istolethebentley: in Pallet Town with the sweet theme music
WoodooFerrett: Kadabra used Psychic!
WoodooFerrett: It's Super Effective!
WoodooFerrett: Wild Machop Fainted!
istolethebentley: Damnit!
WoodooFerrett: Kadabra gained 32 exp.
istolethebentley: I was going to throw a Pokeball
istolethebentley: TT__TT
istolethebentley: That's okay, Machop sucks anyhow
WoodooFerrett: -_-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
WoodooFerrett: 4000000019074512057015 exp to next level....
istolethebentley: Too bad we can't go fishing.
istolethebentley: I think I sold my rod
WoodooFerrett: lawl.
istolethebentley: ...can I even do that?
WoodooFerrett: shop keeps aren't interested in buying that, fool.
WoodooFerrett: unless they're pimps.
istolethebentley: ...how do you know he wasn't?
istolethebentley: I bought this sweet cane off him
istolethebentley: *bling*
WoodooFerrett: then they will gladly take your rod and rent it out. but that would be bad, because the only rod you have any type of control over should be mine.... so.... yeah.
WoodooFerrett: don't trade me.
WoodooFerrett: and don't pimp me out.
istolethebentley: We're not going to Lavender Town becaus I hate that theme music
WoodooFerrett: that'd be bad, yo. very bad.
istolethebentley: Rod... haha
istolethebentley: Dude
istolethebentley: Worst
istolethebentley: Metaphor
istolethebentley: Ever
WoodooFerrett: mine's a Super rod.
istolethebentley: *headdesk*
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