Jul 27, 2010 23:22
So uhhhh, hey. I'm home. And I sorta have a problem with my Romano wig and I have no idea what to do. OTL
So I'm too lazy to take a picture, but it's one of those ones where the hair curl is made of part of the wig braided around wire, you know? But the braid wasn't tied together at the end or anything, so it keeps unraveling. EVEN WHEN I'M NOT EVEN TOUCHING IT OR ANYTHING. It just keeps exploding/falling apart/dieing and I have no idea what to do, because the whole last inch or two is totally unravelled and just sticking up awkwardly. Mallory's N. Italy wig did that, so we tied a tiny rubber band like the kind you use for braces around the end, but mine's too messed up for that, and I'm freaking out. I've worn it once, and I've only had it less than a day. whyyyyyyyyyyy.
I've thought about just unbraiding the entire thing and then gluing the hair to the wire so it stays in shape like in that tutorial that was on the comm but idk if that's the best idea. So, if anyone has advice, it'd be awesome.
This whole situation led to a really hilarious conversation with my Spain. lol. But anyway...
There'll be a picspam of stuff from PA later. And pictures of Antonio, because he's back from the shop and he looks amazing djfhjghjd; okay.
oh noes,
i am dying,
this is why we can't have nice things,
i'll never get over this