derp derp

May 19, 2010 15:41

I find it realy hilarious when random arguments break out on places like failbooking and whatnot that go like, "AMERICANS ARE DUMB AND FAT, YOU SUCK." and then "WELL, BRITISH PEOPLE ARE STUPID AND DRINK TOO MUCH TEA, YOU'RE LAME." I just really want to throw super gay USUK fanart at them. I mean really? Come on guys. We're both from cool places. Shut up already.

In other news, I had like, 3 violin gigs last week. One of them was at a store in Omaha with a quartet. I got $20. One of the others was a volunteer thing for this music conservatory some of my friends work at. We played outside and our music blew away. it was wild. And yesterday I played at the Flying Beatles show, and it went amazing. It was a big group of people from our school's band, orchestra and choir, and we did a bunch of Beatles covers. I had a blast. Later this week we're meeting up again for a bonfire, so we can burn all the music, since it's illegal, haha.

Christian went to that pride prom thing, and she ran into Hetalia people, and cosplayers and people from Nebraskon and stuff. It made me wish I'd gone. But I would have been the awkward straight kid and I would have felt really weird. But ti did sound awesome.

School is over in like...a week? I think. Something like that. Definitely looking forward to summer. I'll be traveling a lot, though. I'll be going to Disney World, Pennsylvania for my grandparents' 50th an 60th anniversaries, respectively, and a ton of college visits out west.

Like, Utah Valley University, BYU Idaho, and a bunch of others I can't think of. They sound awesome, but I don't really want to leave all my friends and family. OTL I know I'll make new friends, but still...I'd rather stay here and go to UNO. My parents really want me to go out west though so I can meet more nice Mormon boys. Or 'potential husbands' as my mom keeps saying. And I do want to meet nice Mormon boys. I just don't want to leave here! Oh yeah, I'm Mormon. Dunno if I ever mentioned that. I'm not a polygamist, if that's what you're thinking. Just ask about my religion if you have a question, I'd be happy to answer.

sooooo...yeah. I already have five of my finals done. I'm considering skipping next monday, since I don't have any finals that day...I'll just be sitting in class doing nothing, so I'm not sure if I'm even going to go. And one of my teachers heavily hinted that we should just skip her class that day, since our final in it is already done, lol.

Also, apparently I have to take some tests or something to get into DC Comp and Tucker Center Photography? ffffffff--

Friday should be fun. Me and Erin (France) and Monnie (Chibitalia) are going over to Christian's house to watch Baccano. Yay for being nerdy!

i don't recall ever mentioning this, but my history story I wrote for the yearbook? yeahhhhh, it's totally about Hetalia. I feel like such a weeaboo. OTL I had like, 2 hours to write it, and it was after school at workight. The only person I knew who I could get ahold of, and who liked history was Christian, so I wrote it on how Hetalia made history more interesting for her. I'm a loser.

Yeah, and there's a Nebraskon spread too. They were just like, 'heyyy we need more Student Life ideas!' so Erin wrote a Nebraskon story and stuff, and now there's a spread in the yearbook about it. And I'm on it. And i'm not sure if I'm happy, or if i want to shoot myself. I've been kind of  a closet nerd for ages, and now everyone is not only going to know that I'm a huge animetard, but that I actually go to conventions, and dress up as characters. In a way, it's awesome, because now I won't have to hide my nerdiness. But in another way, it's scary, because not that many people know how nerdy I am, and now the whole school will. It'll be...interesting. I'm just a stupid loser who cares what people think too much, lol. OTL

So our yearbook is pretty much a ad for Hetalia now. I think there's only 2 pictures on the Nebraskon spread that aren't of a Hetalia cosplayer. OTL I'll take a picture and show you guys once the book arrives in fall.

Somehow this became really tl;dr. NOBODY IS GOING TO READ THIS. OTL.

stupid, school, hetalia, crap

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