I really envy people who have cool, interesting blogs that update a lot, and get lots of readers. I want one too, but I know I'd never be able to stick with it and actually write interesting things.
Anyway, the school year is finally wrapping up. I'm going to be a senior soon! This is crazy! ;__;
Our anime club had a cosplay picnic at our city park on saturday. it was pretty sweet. I just went as Yoite, but I don't have a wig yet, so I looked lame, haha. I got some interesting pictures, I'll have them up someday. maybe. they're on facebook if you care.
Orchestra contest and prom are both saturday. For prom I'm going to Karly's house for dinner with a bunch of people. Not really looking forward to prom itself, but I'm stoked for post-prom. I'm a boss at at laser tag, so hopefully I can pwn everyone at it like I did at Hetalia day, lol. Just going with a group of people this year. I might come to prom late though, and see if I can get in free. OTL It's not like I'm going to be dancing, I should have to pay. I'll post pictures!
Me and Christian's fanfic hit 200 pages today, lol.
otherwise, nothing really of any interest going on. Just trying to make it through these next two weeks until summer break!
Also, check this song out. It's pretty freakin' rad.
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