http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh250/NeonFlashingLights/head0319.jpg] DANGIT ANCAFE, STOP CHANGING ALL THE TIME. Yuki's the only one who doesn't didn't change, but Miku's pretty much the same too.
I'm still used to this! \/
http://i424.photobucket.com/albums/pp323/FundipMichelle/erwe.png] Maybe if I lived in ~*~JAPAN~*~ I could keep up with this stuff. maybe.
It's not that I don't like their new looks, becuase they always look gorg, but it's just...different. IDK. Teruki looks more hardcore, Takuya looks...I don't even know what to say. He looks so much...older? Feminine? BA? Miku and Yuki look cute, as always, and Kanon...extentions? I don't like it. He should go back to either...
Ha ha, okay. looooong entry is loooong, knthx to these pictures now. I haven't talked about AnCafe on here for a while now, one was due. BRB, must listen to their new single which isn't new anymore cause I suck!!