Burrito's as big as my head

Feb 10, 2008 02:39

It really was a pretty nice day...  :)

Spent most of today/yesterday with a new friend that I've made recently.  It was nice.

The rest of the day I spent:

1.  being lazy most of the morning followed by...
2.  A short stint of hurried tire repair/remounting/cursing Continental for their GP4000 tires not even lasting 1 year.
3.  42 miles on a bike by myself in the country.  It really was a very good ride.  I don't have any good stats at the moment, but I did very well.  I'm not even really tired from it at all.  I am, however, hungry.  I'm certain I burned 2000 calories and I've barely eaten anything today. 
4.  Anxious pondering of when, if ever, I might actually motivate myself to clean my house like it needs.  Maybe tomorrow while it's too cold to do anything outside.  Seriously you guys, 16 degrees for the high...WTF?!! 
5.  Making a sufficiently awesome cup of joe.  It really was delicious.  Now, I should sleep...but really I feel like eating.  Maybe if I sleep now I'll get a good breakfast.  Pancakes?!?  perhaps.

See ya, you guys.
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