Dinner and a show...

Jan 21, 2008 00:49

Aaron and Stephanie came over tonight and we made dinner.  Sandwiches, a delicious salad, and sauteed cherry tomatoes.  It was a good dinner.  Then we went to a pool hall and shot some bush league 8 ball.  It was a good time.  You know, the dinner was absolutely great and the pool was boring, though, I like playing pool it just doesn't thrill me much anymore.  Also, I don't have a any motivation to journal about dinner, even though it really was fantastic.  I don't even want to talk about the subtleties of the taste of the scotch that I had to drink.  I just feel like blah.  Just generally depressed.  I miss having someone with which to start and end my days.  It's got me in this slump that I can't get out of.
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