Oh, I got skills you can't even dream of, cowboy.

Jul 12, 2010 15:39

I am sick of unpacking, cleaning, and setting things up. Moving is bunk, although my new place is pretty awesome. Maybe once it's all done I'll post some pictures.

I can't make any promises, but I am really going to try and be on LJ more because I miss the hell out of you my darlings! Don't have a cow if I actually leave you comments on ye olde f-liste. :D

1. Bill "breaking up" with Sookie was sad, but not as sad as that face he made at the end when he sensed her fear. Lorena needs to die, stat. Bitch is crazy.
2. Eric's Sookie daydream >>> all. He smells like the ocean in winter!! Or he wishes he did, I suppose. Also, I want this whole show to be Eric and Lafayette riding around in that sports car, chatting.
3. I can't believe Bill was the Queen's Procurer! That is different from the books and it makes Bill much less noble and gentlemanly, no? In the book he did like...paperwork for her lol.
4. Speaking of not like the book, WTF Russell Edgington supplying werewolves with V!? That was crazy. Also: Debbie Pelt is so gross.
5. Franklin Mott was a creeper in the books but he is scary as hell on the show.
6. Nobody better lay a finger on my Butterfinger Pam. That magistrate is a sick puppy.
7. Sawyer rules should apply to Alcide: (ABS) Always Be Shirtless, but if you must wear one, make it plaid. Yowza.
8. Sam's family makes me want to barf.

I've been playing the new Harry Potter LEGO Wii game during every spare moment I have. It is fantastic. I highly recommend it to any HP fans that have never played the LEGO games before.

41 days until I'm back in Hawaii. ;lsdk'fl;kasd';sfl I'm totally going to find the church from the Lost finale, with the WTF Jesus out front. I already have the address.

real life, wii, hp, true blood

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