May 11, 2010 22:04

First off, I liked that episode, I don't care what you all say LOL.

Speaking English/Spanish? WTF? How'd she do that? She definitely did some magic to make the real mom speak English, right?

Twins!!!!!! And she killed the mom right away!!! OMFG!

"What's dead?"
"Something you will never have to worry about." - It's funny they don't know what death is, but Smokey knew what a man was when he saw them.

"I've made it so you can never hurt each other." - HOW!?

So the Tunnel O' Light...that was weird. So it's like the source of life and death and rebirth, but WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?

Smokey seeing his mom was SO much like Ben seeing his mom.

"Why do you love him more than me?"
"I love you in different ways." - NICE, MOM.

Frozen donkey wheel!

So going into the light would be worse than dying? Wah? And the wine made them the same? Is that what happened with Richard, when he shared wine with Jacob, making Richard the same as Jacob?

So the light turned Smokey into Smokey??? And the mom and MIB are Adam and Eve??? But then how was Jacob always talking to Smokey all those times we saw him, was he a ghost?? I thought Jacob couldn't see ghosts...?

ETA: Okay, so Smokey just took on the form of his own dead body, that makes sense!

So the woman stole the babies to be her replacements - is that why the Others were always stealing babies?

Are Walt and Smokey "special" in the same way?? Maybe?

I can't believe we still don't know Smokey's name - are we to assume he just has no name? LOL weird. What did all those Viking people call him? "Hey you?"

ETA: So Smokey killed their mom with the dagger by stabbing her right in the heart without letting her speak first, which is exactly the way everyone keeps telling other people to kill Smokey. Hm.

ETA 2: I like how the mother told Jacob that he had no choice in becoming the island's protector because now we see why he had no problem drawing all these people to the island and changing their fates. He never had a choice, so neither do they.

Although I do wonder how he figured out he could leave the island to go visit people...

ETA 3: How exactly did the woman burn and kill that whole village? Was she possibly Smokey-like too? And that's how she knew what happened if you went into the light?

P.S. I have a zillion more theories and thoughts over on my site if anyone wants to check it out:

lost, afterparty

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