
Jul 10, 2009 19:26

Just watched the last part of the Torchwood mini-series...

WHAT A FREAKING DOWN ENDING, RIGHT????????? I'M SO SAD RIGHT NOW. Is this show even coming back for another series?? They let that kid die?? And then Ianto is really dead?? And Jack can just go off like that?? And poor Gwen is just all alone now??


The entire episode was horribly sad, christ almighty. The Frobisher guy killing his whole family?? All the kids being torn from their houses by soldiers??

There is no way they could end it there, AMIRIGHT??????????????

;_____________; GOD. Thanks Torchwood, now I want to kill myself.

P.S. Entertainment Weekly's Sci-Fi Hotties of '09 - Jensen and Josh and Naveen and Tahmoh and James and Jamie and John, oh my!!!! They actually got it right!!


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