Help me plz.

Oct 27, 2008 18:17

My already massive f-list has been hit by the Twitter Plague. And I'd love to know...

Poll Twitter

ETA: for those (lucky, lucky souls) who don't know.

For the record, I don't read any Twitter posts. None. Sorry kids lol. I don't need to know what you were thinking while you ate breakfast, or see a string of comments that form a one-sided conversation you had with another Twitter friend. It's like watching someone talk on the phone, no?

Anywho, this isn't directed at anyone, I love you all, but having to skip back 200 posts every single night is a wee bit tiresome.

I've heard about that script you can use to get rid of Twitter stuff showing up on your f-list, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do it. Have any of you guys done it? And if you have, can you explain to me - in small words - how to do it?

I'm using the Flexible Squares layout with a customized CSS sheet. I know that somehow plays into it haha.

Me and my f-list would be forever indebted to you &hearts

f-list, lj

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