Must be like the tide at Omaha Beach.

Oct 16, 2008 20:59

Dwight performed his own circumcision! AHAHAHAHA omg. That watermelon thing was insane. He put butter on it!

Where's my golden shower?? HAHAHA

Michael with all the babies melted me into a heart-shaped puddle!!! And when he held Astrid and felt shortchanged? I feel so bad for him. :(

MUST BE LIKE THE TIDE AT OMAHA BEACH. HAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHA oh my god. As someone who works in an office in which FIVE women have given birth in the last 9 months, I am finding this highly amusing. They actually talk about this stuff. While you're eating. Last week one of them started talking about enemas while we were eating breakfast. ;_;

She's nature's bounty! LOL! This poor baby. I wonder if any of those babies was Angela's real baby.

This was the cutest Michael episode...ever. Oh man oh man. I never want Holly to leave! That was the most "real" Michael's ever been! &hearts

And that Jim and Pam ending was ADORABLE. It was like that episode from way back when she left him all those messages on his voicemail. AW! Damn I love this show.

the office

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