
May 20, 2008 22:00

The Tree of Life (aka LOTR blanket) baby blanket is DONE!!!!!!!!!!


It's about 40 inches across!



HUZZAH! My boss's baby shower is tomorrow lol. Way to cut it close, right? This blanket took me about 4 months to finish, although I've also been working on other stuff at the same time.

P.S. If you knit and you're on Ravelry, ADD ME, YO!

Anyway. I made a CD of lullaby-ish music to give her with the blanket. It's got some classical (Brahms, Chopin, Debussy), Beatles (Across the Universe, Good Night), some cheesy mom music (Billy Joel, James Taylor), and some random instrumental stuff from soundtracks and The Rachels and whatnot. It's kind of awesome. The last song is "Farewell and Goodnight" by the Smashing Pumpkins. I love that song &hearts

I also took these pictures with my shiny new camera, which is AWESOME.

Also? Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is an ace movie. I highly recommend it. I just watched it. A+. Robert Downey Jr. wins at life. At least these days haha. And Val Kilmer was surprisingly hilarious.

tree of life afghan, knitting, music, movies

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