I got a long way to go, getting further away

May 08, 2008 19:27

losty_ville tagged me!

a. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
b. Tag seven people to do the same.
c. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it."

1. I hate, HATE musicals, unless there are cartoons involved. I hate "stage voices" and most plays, and yeah, musicals make me want to gauge my eyes out.

2. I never know how I come across online, but in real life I either come across as very sweet or very intimidating. I've been known to scare people. It's because I'm super critical and super sarcastic, and I can be pretty harsh to people who piss me off haha. Especially girls. There's a reason why almost all of my friends are dudes.

3. When I was in college I went to at least 5 or 6 concerts a month. Usually more. Most of them were punk bands and indie pop bands and various "emo" bands before emo was as detestable as it's become. I spent many a night crammed into sweaty bars and churches bopping my head ever so slightly. I miss those days.

4. Once I love something, I love it forever. I'm very choosy about what I like, but then it's permanent. My favorite movies, TV shows, books, bands, and people almost never change. Loyal to a fault, that's me.

5. I've never, ever been able to fall asleep at night. I usually have to lay there for at least 2 hours before I fall asleep, and if I have nothing to distract me, I will literally stay up all night. The only cure I've found are crossword puzzles (concentrating on tiny things at once helps me pass out) and either Star Trek, black and white movies, or the Spanish channel lol.

If I'm sharing a hotel room or something and I can't do what I normally do to make myself pass out, I won't fall asleep until like 4 or 5 am.

6. The only celebrity deaths I ever cried about were Elliott Smith and George Harrison. ;_;

7. People who know me best know I can't be wrong. About anything. I'm an insufferable know-it-all. I know most people don't like being told they are wrong about something, but with me it's on this whole other level. If anyone actually does get to prove me wrong about something, they hold it over my head for YEARS because it's so amusing to them.

I tag: gets_it_faster, alfiri, ali_jayne, distress_bacon, pinkhusky, elvenkitty, and _fortunesfool_!

Ongoing post at 10. Be here or be square. Wait until you guys see the graphic, I didn't make it this time, and it's BRILLIANTLY AMAZING. I was so blown away by it, seriously.

And PEOPLE ON THE WEST COAST: heyt will be holding a sister Ongoing Lost Post for anyone on the West Coast!!!!! I'll be posting a link on MY post to get to HER post. You should go and hang out if you're one of the people who always say they wish they could come to mine :D

So according to that anonymous meme from yesterday, a few people think I am not as happy/fun as I "used to be" before I started "trying to be popular on LJ." Sigh, guys. Sigh. I can assure the naysayers that I have never TRIED to be anything but me, and I'm sorry you feel that way. If I'm not as fun it's because I am not, in fact, a sunshiney happy person all the time haha. And honestly I think I've curbed some of the crazy fangirling because it DIDN'T feel like me. I'm much more chill in real life, I swear!

And for those of you who said you wished there weren't so many people around all the time so it would be easier for us to be friends, I promise you - I read ALL my comments, and I do add people back here and there!! There are just not enough hours in the day for me to add EVERYONE back haha. But you're not just a face in the crowd, I swear &hearts

And the rest of you who left me comments are seriously TOO KIND XD

Alright. Scrubs, Office, 30 Rock, then Lost. And Supernatural. Oh Thursdays, you are trying to kill me.

ETA: The Office? The Jam will kill me, guys. &hearts

real life, lj, meme

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