Hot List. Oh yeah.
I've been working on this for a month haha. Not sure why it took me so long, but under the cut are 18 boys that I love right now.
All of these guys have some or all of my own personal Hot List. This may include:
Plays tortured asshole/noble asshole/crazy tortured asshole/etc
Looks good dirty
Has fantastic sense of humor
Is smart
Has fun accent
Is tall
Has fun hair
High on the huggability scale
Wears Converse
In my world, if a guy has more than one or two of these things, I could potentially love them. The more points he hits, the better :D
Jensen Ackles: Sideburns. Plays Dean Winchester, the most tortured/noble guy ever. Looks good dirty. Has fantastic sense of humor. Is tall. Bonus: Perfect bone structure.
Christian Bale: Often plays tortured assholes. Is tall. Has fun hair. Also a fun accent. Bonus: 3:10 to Yuma is the only Western I've ever liked. The reason? Christian Bale.
Jamie Bamber: Has fun accent, fun hair, plays tortured noble guy, looks amazing whilst dirty, huggable, sideburns. Bonus: He may be tiny, but DAMN, SON.
Gael Garcia Bernal: Often plays crazy, yet oddly endearing assholes. Has fun hair. Has fun accent. Wears Converse. Sideburns. Glasses. Often bearded. Huggable. Is smart. Bonus: Greenest eyes ever.
David Boreanaz: Tall, has fun hair, plays noble guy, funny Bonus: Aaaaaaangel!!
Jemaine Clement & Bret McKenzie: Beards. Sideburns. Glasses. Fantastic sense of humor. Fun accents. Wear converse. EXTREMELY huggable. Bonus: Their music is as adorable as they are.
Ian Cusick: Bearded. Fun accent. Plays tortured/noble/crazy guy. Looks good dirty. Bonus: Blue Shirt of SexinessTM. Plus look at his shaggy haired children ;d'sdl;kfl;ds
Daniel Day-Lewis: Beard. Often Always plays tortured/crazy assholes. Smart. Funny. Fun accent. Has incredibly fun hair. Huggable. Bonus: Fashion sense is off the charts awesome.
Noel Fielding: Fun hair. Fun accent. Ridiculously funny. Plays...himself, but he's obviously slightly crazy. Super high on the huggability scale; may actually be Most Huggable Ever. Bonus: He twirls his hair. And giggles. And paints. And rides a motorbike made of jealousy. &hearts
Jake Gyllenhaal: Beard. Sideburns. Is tall. Has fun hair. Often plays tortured youths. Smart. Funny. Converse. Sometimes I wonder if Jake is starting to become too ~*Hollywood*~, but he's allowed to. He's earned it. Bonus: He plays basketball with Jon Stewart when he's in NYC.
Josh Holloway: Bearded. Fantastic sense of humor. Plays best tortured/noble guy ever. Looks even better when dirty. Is tall. Bonus: Apart from his
AWESOME MODELING CAREER, the bonus with him is that he doesn't just love his wife, he LOOOOOOOVES his wife.
Simon Pegg & Nick Frost: Sideburns, beards, glasses, fun accents, smart, high on huggability scale, and quite possibly two of the funniest guys of our generation. Bonus: BFFs &hearts
Seth Rogen: Beard, glasses, sideburns, wears chucks, smart, ridiculously funny, has fun hair, as high as you can get on the huggability scale. Bonus: THIS IS THE MAN I WANT TO MARRY. If anyone know a boy who looks like this/acts like this/IS THIS, call me.
Paul Rudd: Beard, sideburns, glasses, smart, funny, fun hair Bonus: Paul Rudd only hangs out with comedians. And not just douchey comedians, but like GOOD ONES. He is the coolest guy ever and no one could convince me otherwise.
David Tennant: Gloriously fun hair, fun accent, funny, smart, wears chucks, plays somewhat crazy mad scientist, huggable, sideburns, glasses Bonus: Foxy. He's like those scrawny boys you see at Indie Rock shows and want to take home and listen to Belle and Sebastian with.
Michael Trucco: Look good when dirty/sweaty, plays somewhat tortured noble guy, has fun hair, sideburns, is tall Bonus: ARMS. Plus he just seems so down to earth!! And he got in a car crash and broke his spine and crawled a long way to get help with a BROKEN NECK. But he's okay now, hence this picture...
It's not everyone, but it's enough haha.