ask me, ask me, ask meee

Mar 09, 2008 17:56

Last night was rad. A big group of my friends (including 6 car salesmen, which was funnier than you would imagine...) went to Atlantic City to celebrate my friend's birthday. We went out to an Italian place for dinner, went to a casino, some of us gambled (I didn't, I never gamble, but all the guys lost hundreds of dollars in a matter of minutes ( Read more... )

real life, bff, friends, f-list, meme

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Comments 187

erunameundomiel March 9 2008, 22:08:15 UTC
How'd you get into classical music, specifically Rachmaninoff? I've wondered if you play any musical instruments.


ack_attack March 9 2008, 22:13:40 UTC
Oooh good one! I've actually loved classical music since I was a kid. I honestly can't remember how I first heard it, but by the time I was 8 I was begging my mother to bring me to see the Philadelphia Orchestra play, and when I was 11 I made her bring me to see Pavoratti haha. I played piano for 10+ years, so I ended up gravitating towards piano-heavy music, and I think it was the movie Shine that really got me into Rachmaninoff. His Piano Concerto #2 just SLAYS me. I've since learned how to play some of his songs on the piano (badly, haha) but I mostly just like to listen. I'm also really into Mozart (his Reqiuem is my favorite piece ever), Tchaikovsky, Chopin, and Beethoven. I'm also into violin-y stuff like Paganini as well :D


ladytwiga March 9 2008, 22:12:29 UTC
Sawyer or Desmond? You can only choose one. :)


ack_attack March 9 2008, 22:14:49 UTC
Sawyer. haha he has seniority over Desmond!


croakvegas March 9 2008, 22:13:22 UTC

LOL I can't think of anything serious. And I'll assume the subject line is a Smiths reference, so EXCELLENT.


ack_attack March 9 2008, 22:24:43 UTC
Hahahahaha okay 1. yes, it's a Smiths reference and 2. I'll have to contain myself to avoid sounding like a lunatic XD ( ... )


croakvegas March 9 2008, 22:28:56 UTC

I actually agree on all of those reasons, particularly in this season. It's been a struggle maintaining my affection for Jack, but I still kind of can't help but like the douche. I think I'm still hoping that S1 Jack (or at least Jack from the pilot) will return. But Lord he is fun to make fun of.


ack_attack March 9 2008, 22:35:48 UTC
I've spent so much time debating Jack and his Assness to people that I have this all at the top of my head LOL. My best friend LOOOOOOOVES Jack. And he's a dude, so it's not like a "omgsohot" love, it's a I LOVE THIS PERSON, HE IS SUCH A HERO love hahaha. It drives me CRAZY and we made a pact to never discuss him because it always ends up with us yelling at each other!!



thereflections March 9 2008, 22:15:02 UTC
Did you have any (hopefully embarrassing!) blogs before LJ? If so, linkly link.


ack_attack March 9 2008, 22:30:17 UTC
In which I didn't know how to capitalize words.

Only my real life friends read that journal, and most of the time no one ever saw anything I wrote. It's all about my last year of college, and just real life haha. I haven't looked at it in years!! No keyboard smashing/capslock/fandom. Just my *gasp* feelings hahaha.


(The comment has been removed)

ack_attack March 9 2008, 23:42:37 UTC
Hahahaha I have no idea, years of instant messaging SUPER FAST? I really don't know!


quiet_rebel March 9 2008, 22:15:58 UTC
If you could make yourself a character on Lost, what kind of character would you be? A Lostie, Tailie, Boatie, or Other? Be as creative as you want :D


ack_attack March 9 2008, 22:34:10 UTC
Hmmmmm......I think I would actually love to be an Other. Or even better, a "Hostile" - maybe someone who used to inhabit the island back in the day, one of the seemingly immortal people. They are always the creepiest and most interesting. I have a tendency in real life to always see myself as an outsider, and I also have very VERY little tolerance for drama. So while being one of the actual Losties might be kind of fun in a Castaway kind of way, I would hate the soap opera aspect, along with the politics and whatnot.

So yeah I think I'd like to be someone like Richard - you're not sure how or when he got there, you can't tell what his deal is, or if he's good or bad. I guess I'd kind of want to be like The Oracle from the Matrix haha. I'd know what was going on, but I'd only give super cryptic wtf clues to people who asked for help :D


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