
Jan 19, 2008 11:25

Bored? Go vote for all the best icon makers on LJ at besticonmaker! There will be voting posts in a jillion categories. (Someone nommed me for best overall icon maker and I choked on my coffee lmao ( Read more... )

parties, icons, real life, friends, family

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Comments 34

sunnyringo January 19 2008, 16:47:20 UTC
My old First Sergeant used to call me Meatball. I don't know why.

Your drunk posting >>> most people's sober posting. I look forward to more of the same tonight! :P


ack_attack January 19 2008, 16:52:46 UTC
LOL! Well now we know what we'll have to call our team if we're even on a reality show together. The Meat. Balls.

Hahaha well tonight might not work because if I'm THAT drunk I won't be able to drive home...but I'm sure if I'm plastered and I have my phone I might call in again LOL. It's so embarassing.


(The comment has been removed)

ack_attack January 19 2008, 16:54:04 UTC
LOL really? I know...almost all of them, actually! But then again half my flist is icon journals these days, and I love just wandering through people's userpics looking for new icon makers. I nominated a ton of people, there was no limit so I just nominated like 5 people in every category hahaaha.


phuck January 19 2008, 17:10:04 UTC

P.S. Ignore me. I'm all sorts of angsty today.


ack_attack January 19 2008, 17:24:11 UTC
Aw ha ha go back over there when they've posted all the other 30 categories, I'm sure you'll be in there somewhere!!


phuck January 19 2008, 17:28:03 UTC
Lol. Actually, I usually don't get nominated in these things? It doesn't really bother me. And I voted for you. :)

I'm just angsty today. Hahaha.


ack_attack January 19 2008, 17:30:40 UTC
I usually don't get nominated either! And a lot of the people who DID get nominated all had those buttons they posted that said "vote for me" hahaha so I guess they kind of had advertising.

Poor angsty Noah! Listen to some Morrissey! He can share in your pain.


miss_sarac January 19 2008, 17:10:45 UTC
How do you get Meatball from Rachel??? :D

oh photo montages are evil. They always make me cry...even if I don't know the person. Heh.


ack_attack January 19 2008, 17:26:13 UTC
LOL well most little kids say Way-Chul. But I guess somewhere in her head waychul sounded a lot like meatball, and she could say that one hahaha.

Those montages ARE evil, and between how drunk I was and how long ago those photos seemed I was ready to cry haha!!


subtle__sarcasm January 19 2008, 17:24:12 UTC
Heee. I'm impressed that you're not too hungover :D So, did you end up calling anyone last night? :D

She used to call me "Meatball" because she couldn't pronounce Rachel.
This made me lol. :D


ack_attack January 19 2008, 17:36:25 UTC
LOL thankfully no one picked up the phone!

I think!

HAHAHA good god.


subtle__sarcasm January 19 2008, 17:46:02 UTC
LOL yes, that may have been for the best :D

hehe, that totally could have been me, tough :D When I was really little I had trouble pronouncing certain letters, so there were words I could not say. Among those, unfortunately, was my own name :D :D Instead of Katharina, I'd introduce myself as Tatanina :D


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