
Dec 15, 2007 12:41

There are some awesome Lost DVD extras posted here if anyone is like me and hasn't actually bought the DVDs yet!

I suggest watching the Jin and Patchy fight, Dom and the Crossword, Dom and Jorge, and the Tricia Tenaka videos. They are all awesome :D

In other news, last night I had pretty much the absolute most warm and fuzzy night ever with Gosia, Lauran, John and Luke. We had a fire going in the fireplace, the Yule Log channel playing next to the actual fire, Christmas music playing, Gosia made hot apple cider and cookies, they had all their Christmas decorations up, and I attempted to show Gosia how to knit haha. And earlier we went out of Indian food and the thing I got was the most delicious thing I've ever eaten haha. Mmmm.

video, lost, real life, xmas, friends

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