Happy Birthday, JKRAS!

Oct 20, 2007 11:15

Happy Birthday to John Krasinski, who turns 28 today!

Thank you for being the most huggable TV boyfriend of all time. &hearts

And now in his honor, A JKRAS SPAM!

His cast mates always seem to love him.

His career survived a Mandy Moore/Robin Williams movie.

Because he knew this was just the start of things for him.

And now he's going to be in George's Clooney's football movie.

He is so very tall.

He got really skinny and we were worried LOL.

But he wasn't worried, he knows he's a stud.

He just seems like a relatively normal guy.

That hangs out with bands...

Which gives him hipster cred...

He also hangs out with people like Will Arnett...

...while ALSO hanging out with bands, which gives him more hipster cred than he can deal with.

He can rock a pink shirt.

Or a pink tie.

And I think we can all agree the sweater/shirt combo is his trademark.

And he likes to hang out with Mose.

And him and Jenna Fischer have always had awesome chemistry.

Like when they were first cast and no one had heard of either one of them.

And when they're on the red carpet.

And when they're meeting fans XD

And of course on The Office.


He's just a cool guy.

The cock of the walk.


And it doesn't help that he's so pretty.


I mean even when the show started and he was all goofy you still wanted to hug him.

And boys in Chucks are always top notch.

We always understand his plight.

And those faces...

Who's got two thumbs and loves John Krasinski?

We do.

boys, picspam, johnny kras, the office, hawt

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