I need a Spike icon.

Aug 16, 2007 11:52

1. THE BODY. This episode, as all of you know, was the hardest thing to watch...EVER. The absence of music, the whole beginning part when she finds her mom and then everything goes fuzzy, the reactions of all of the friends....GOOOOD. It ripped my heart out and stomped around on it. ANYA'S SPEECH???? SHE'LL NEVER YAWN OR BRUSH HER HAIR OR DRINK FRUIT PUNCH??? And Willow changing her clothes, and Xander kissing Willow on the forehead, and OH MY GOD, BUFFY TELLING DAWN IN THE SCHOOL AND YOU CAN'T EVEN HEAR IT, YOU JUST SEE IT???? ;__________________; That episode might be even worse than Doomsday, for all the Doctor Who fans. Doomsday makes me bawl, but that's only the last like 5 minutes, not the entire hour.

Jesus. That was rough. Joss did what many cannot do: he authentically recreated what it's like to have someone close to you die unexpectedly. I've unfortunately been through that not once, but TWICE, and that really is how it feels. That's why it hurt so much to watch. It brought back all of these horrible memories. Ugh.

ANYWAY. Let's not dwell, shall we?

(Oh and I loved that Angel showed up after the funeral, it made me feel warm and fuzzy. He still cares &hearts Despite how much I like Spike, Angel is still the best.)

2. SPIKE. Ohhhh my god, Spike. Spike is such a great character because while he's still a monster, and still an asshole, he's sort of squishy and you want to hug him, but you're still afraid of him. (On a side note, I think that's sort of what they tried to do with Sawyer this season on Lost, but made him too squishy, amiright?)

In the finale when him and Buffy go to her house for a minute:

BUFFY: I'm counting on you, Spike. To help protect her.
SPIKE: 'Til the end of the world -- even if that happens to be tonight...I know you'll never love me, I know I'm a monster. But you treat me like a man and that's...

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH man. Oh man oh man. ;alkdsjflkjsdfk

And when he shows up with flowers for Joyce? ;sdjkf';lsd

And when Spike shows up on Buffy's porch and they just sit there together??? And the way he told Druscilla to GTFO??

And him falling on the ground at the end of the finale when he saw dead Buffy? LORD.

3. Giles killing Ben/Glory (Ben and Glory? Are the same person? LOL is everyone in here stoned?) by nostril squeeze has to be the funniest way a supervillain ever got taken out. Giles was kind of scary towards the end of this season, especially the way he was SO mean to Spike about Buffy, but that was cool that he got to kill Glory.

4. LOL okay so this is for your sake when chatting about Buffy in my comments, and it comes after I saw a conversation between quidditchkiss and kurtbert trying not to spoil me. From totally and utterly spoiling myself, I know the following:


Willow goes all evil and whatnot
Tara gets killed by Warren
Buffy is resurrected
Anya and Xander don't get married
Anya gets killed ;_;
Giles leaves and only comes back once in a while
Spike and Buffy do it and are together but then they break up or something and Spike dies at the end but then comes back on Angel lol.

Anything else? LOL so I pretty much know all the big things that happen for the rest of the series, although I don't know HOW Anya dies, I don't know why Warren kills Tara, etc etc. So you can spoil me as long as you're not like IN THIS EPISODE THIS AND THIS HAPPENS AND THIS IS THE RESULT haha.

I cannot believe Buffy threw herself into that vortex of doom thingy. I know she comes back, but DAMN. And her voiceover at the end like WRECKED ME.

So tomorrow night Drennen is coming over and we're going to get drunk and watch the first part of Season 6. It's hilarious because he's the one who made me start watching this show, and he started watching about 6 months ago, and now we've somehow ended up at exactly the same place. I've just been doing Buffy marathons like every night for weeks, while he watches a few episodes a week haha.

Nothing else is going on. I applied to even more jobs today. Our pool, which we opened in May and has been a green swamp pit ever since, is going to get closed soon. We didn't get to swim in it ONCE, yet we've had to clean it every other day for the entire summer. It's cost us thousands of dollars in repairs and chemicals, and we aren't even going to get to go into it once. I feel like that pool is a metaphor for my life right now haha. I just keep applying to jobs and pouring all of this time and energy and hope into this pit of green slime that is my life, and I'm getting no result. Awesome. I applied for an awesome job this morning though, so I'm hoping someone will actually call me about it.

Damn, all that Buffy depressed me! I need to watch something a little less doom and gloom for a while, I think. Simpsons movie? Yes.

real life, bff, buffy

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